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What is IRS Form 8949?

Rowan Jordan / Getty Images IRS Form 8949 is for reporting sales and exchanges of capital assets (including cryptocurrency). It is filed along with Schedule D of your federal income tax form.

What is form 8949 & Schedule D?

Form 8949: Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets is an IRS form used by both individuals and businesses to report capital gains and losses from investments. Form 8949 and Schedule D are required as part of your tax return whenever a capital asset such as stock is sold during the year.

How do I fill out form 8949?

Form 8949 is filled out first. You report every sale of stock during the year, identifying the stock, the date you bought it, the date you sold it, and how much you gained or lost. Note that you have to list long-term and short-term assets separately. This information should be downloadable from your brokerage website.

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